10 Clever Ideas To Effectively Advertise Your Brand This Festive Season

Christmas, the festival of joy is round the corner. The holiday season is a reason for celebration for businesses, as it generates a great deal of spending during the holiday season. It helps brands connect with their audiences and boost sales in extraterrestrial ways across the Globe.

Given its widespread nature, this is a great time to create custom marketing materials. The months leading up to it provide a long enough runway to gradually pick up speed. Furthermore, New Year’s Eve missions are a natural extension of Christmas missions.

Given the myriad benefits, it’s no wonder that companies go to great lengths to develop comprehensive crusades. In addition, this season they are putting all of their efforts into their social media platforms. Due to the fact that the holiday season also happens to be a great time for virtual entertainment.

No matter what else you’re planning for Christmas, you’ll need an elaborate social media marketing strategy. Moreover, for this reason, the Howl India team is giving you their best ideas for Christmas-themed social media platforms.

Read on more to know what all you need to fill your feed with joy right here. Let’s dig right in!

1) Merry Mailing!

Email marketing is one of the popular but best modes of marketing in recent times. For successful email marketing modify the subject line of your Christmas email campaign so that it more effectively conveys the seasonal offerings of your store to your customer base. For example, Samsung used this email mission to earn a considerable return on investment.

Source : Samsung

2) Christmas Advertising Campaign

Having a plan in place for how you want to manage the holiday rush is one of the most important aspects of successful marketing. A strategy will aid you in coordinating all of the friendly marketing that you do and will ensure that a consistent message is sent across all platforms. To ensure that your marketing efforts are well-targeted and fruitful, you should establish a method to track the return on the money you spend advertising your business.

Samsung launched a campaign showcasing their new collectibles in 2019. The campaign was a hit as it celebrated the dual occasion. It celebrated Galaxy’s 10th anniversary as well as Christmas with a premium offer.

Source: Samsung

3) Promotion According To The Occasion

It is a fantastic approach to work together with your clients and supply them with more of what they want if you create recordings with a seasonal theme. This will also keep your firm in the spotlight. When it comes to communicating with their clientele, businesses tend to go into overdrive during the holiday season. If you employ a novel style of cheerful video, your business will be able to differentiate itself from the competing messages by standing out from the crowd.

Samsung on its Instagram shared a video creative in 2021, to connect to its audience, communicate better and market its product effectively

4) Advertise Your Product Emotionally That Connects With Your Audience

In the days leading up to Christmas, people spend time with their family, their close ones and connect with them in the most emotional manner. It is likely that a commercial that speaks to them on a personal level will be the final push they require in order to make a purchase from you, join up for your service, or accept your gift.

For example, Samsung shared an emotional video of connecting people emotionally and also promoted its ‘Quick Share’ feature.

5) Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing has become one of the most influential and profitable businesses these days and seems to be counting according to the above given statistics. The visuals creates a strong awareness, trust on a broader scale as it not only attracts the brands target and potential clients but also attracts the Influencers market towards itself.

Using influencers will help you advance your Christmas advertising method. To reach their massive fan following, you can use web-based entertainment to promote products. Influential people can draw attention to a product’s favorable aspects, encouraging their fans to make a purchase. They speak to perfection and can be fantastic representatives of your brand.

6) Participation on Social Media Platforms

An entertaining Social Media activity/ competition that takes place online can result in fruitful collaborations between businesses and their customers. This strategy is quite useful for ensuring that you continue to devote sufficient time and attention to your clients and potential clients and keep them engaged and entertaining.

7) Create Limited Time Christmas Offers

Creating limited time discounts or add-on offers will help you generate potential customers in the market and increase your ROI on the products and services. Discounts and add-on offers are such deals that customers do not want to lose. It also encourages and gives them the opportunity of trying your services/product at a lower rate. 

For example, have a look at Samsung’s discount deal promo on its TV’s and sound devices that started from 1st October and is to run till 31 December, 2022.

Source: Samsung

8) Christmas Wishlist

A Christmas wish list is a fantastic way to promote your multiple goods/services simultaneously. And doing this is quite simple. Put together a carousel of the best product photos you’ve gathered over the past several months and share it with the world on your feed.

Using a clever caption to explain your concept is a great way to expand on the products/services. A question tab asking for the audience’s Christmas wish list is another option. This will not only keep them entertained, but also make them feel invested in your company.

9) Provide Downloadable How-To-Do Guides

In spite of the fact that the fourth quarter is always challenging for businesses, you can aid other marketers by providing downloadables they can use to generate unique Christmas advertising ideas. Depending on the format, this could be a digital book, a collection of layouts, or even a tool showcasing various holiday advertising strategies. You can easily store all of the leads generated by this endeavour in a lead age CRM and use the data to complete additional deals.

Christmas is all about spreading goodwill, so why not do good deeds for others while growing your fan base? The parties involved will both gain and give something from this deal. Further, what is the most important part? You can usually recycle information from the holiday season even after it has passed. Bring it up to date with the current year’s standards and send it over again. You’ll be grateful to the article group that thought of the infinite ways in which a single piece of material might be used again and again.

Content from that analogous aide can be utilized to generate Social Media content from there.

10) Run Down a Christmas Countdown On The Feed

Many people get pumped up for the holiday season and want to make the most of it, and Christmas is one of the most anticipated times of year. Therefore, you should prioritise the Christmas beginning when planning your Christmas advertising. If you want to get the conversation going in your feed, what better way is there than to wind  countdown creatives for Christmas?

Many companies incorporate interactive feed into their holiday or special-occasion advertising which creates a two-way communication. This is not only a great way to keep their profiles fresh and positive, but also to win over new devotees.

Do you need more such exciting ideas for run-of-the-mill advertising of your brand? 

Howl India is an excellent resource to have on hand if you are seeking for different strategies to market and promote your business across.

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